Member rating system the CTCPA has unilateral authority in determining rider rating numbers. The CTCPA Ratings Committee will use it's guidelines on what constitutes a certain number rider and the Canadian Ratings Committee Co-ordinator will meet with reps from the various regional associations such as STCPA that are appointed by the Co-ordinator to review that process.
Any appeals are to be made to the co-ordinator. Each regional association should have a liaison person to pass along ratings information to it's members, though individual rating number changes will come directly from the rating Co-ordinator or a representative. The CTCPA website shows the structure of the ratings system. The Canadian Ratings Co-ordinator and pertinent representatives may target select riders who appear to be achieving a higher skill level or are now NEW penners and watch those penners, to reach a rating consensus. The system utilized by the CTCPA, though not an exact science, is intended to allow ALL penners to ride at any CTCPA- sanctioned show and compete on an even playing field.
2024 STCPA Rating Committee Members: Charles Schira, Owen Weekes, Morris Hubbard
2024 CTCPA Rating Co-ordinator - Skylar Brown
2023 CTCPA Rating Co-ordinator - Brent Shaw